what i should say?
when i should plan?
how to ask?
where i should ask to go?
how to stop popping my heart?
so nervious........................................................................................................
i am so scared........
in my heart is just have a lots of protection
scared to get refuse
scared to get hurt
i should keep remind my slogan:
if i am not your tea,don't drink and split it out!
hoho......but i am very tasty greentea!
looking just nice
smell's like high class
feel's so friendly and funny
touching so smooth
sweet and sour
sexy like ahwuu.................
check this hand cause im marvelous
attention please:this is a syok sendiri part,if you feeling not so well while reading this!thats mean you are not my friend,cause all my friend will agree with that! haha.........=.=!!!
let that ppl think of it
no need waste ur time to think it
haha..somebody syok sendiri..XD
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