poor little girl
just like me!
actually today is used to be a good study day,
early in the morning,i went jogging with my dear b and dear whitelingling
they were late,but i just feel nothing
only feel that today is not a talking day!so i just shut my mouth and jog for the whole frim
sorry for them that they thought i am sad or angry or what!!!
hmm.....ow my godsh,when we going to finish our jog,i felt stomachache
zoooom...................fly back home and i just simply park at othr ppl's parking!
coz i thought will go out to hav breakfast!
zoom.........reach home.............luckily i didn't "lao sai"
after that,i cancle the breakfast plan n go to hav a nap!shit lo!from11am until2pm...
i hav to get ready and go to tuition soon!!!almost forgot that i park othr ppl place!
deng deng.............when i go to take my car!!!
i saw my FURRUREI was locked with a board which wrote '50'
i started trembling and also angry
so i decided to find the gat
i just act like nothing ant try to talk with him!!!
excuses and lies all came out through his mouth and just want me to pay rm50
ow my godsh...its too expensive to pay for the fine
i went to find the owner'this is the first time to be brave'
i knock the ppl's door and horror feeling started killing me
when the door open!i saw a half nude ah pek and look like a gangster!
i take a breath and try to ask something...but at last i give up,i am too scared
so i call B...........................and the tears started to drop
wah laoeh.....i cant do anything but just pay for it!
i cry nonstop and also drive through B's home.....cry along the journey to the aman puri mcD
thats my 1st meal i got and the time is4.30p.m.
i feeling better when i got the free purple glass...yeah!!!
ops...and i loss my limited lvbear which always stick with my car key!
i think the reason i am so bad luck is because i didnt go for a pray the 'gao wong yeh' coz i just refuse it when mum ask me whether want to go or not!!hoho......
at nit:we went to klcc,the kinokuniya to see some fashion book to make me much more happier haha....without bring any money!we also window shopping around and we found a small trick that how to capture the klcc and also your face at night(if you didnt have any flash light)keke......................................................................enjoy it veli much
thn we just go to parking and something happened!when i pull the ticket into the machine at the exit,it doesn't respond....haha....we just call the person and finally we can go out!
b4 we went back,B bring a 6%beer!we share the beer to release our sadness!
hoho....finally our intelegent,tough,smart B cry...........yeah!
what a happy ending!
ops....i drink beer!and i allergic of alcohol!!!hopefully nothing happened!
always like write english.
is it really a happy ending?
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